LAM for Unity is available now on VEA Games weeble store!
Previously only available for Unreal Engine, LAM is a comprehensive landscape and foliage creation toolset that augments built-in capabilities of the game engine. It allows automatic texturing of landscapes based on height, slopes etc, and automated foliage painting, thereby saving many hours of work. LAM Unity features include:
Terrain shader
A set of custom physical-based terrain shaders
Automated terrain texturing based on slope and height, with full override ability.
Height-based layers mixing
Triplanar texturing support, eliminating “stretching” on slopes
Multi-UV mixing to reduce repetitive tiles in distance
DX11 tessellation support.
Additional coloring map to reduce repetitiveness
Paintable coloring layer - paint color directly on terrain
Foliage shaders
Custom tree shaders with wind animation and leaf translucency, working with both built-in and prefab-based trees.
Custom grass shader with translucency and texture-based wind animation.
Advanced foliage painting
Multi-foliage brush tool that can paint several foliage types simultaneously - including mixing grass and trees.
Auto-painter system that intelligently places foliage based on terrain textures, slope, and noise mask, with almost-realtime updates.
Custom foliage system (FoliagePainter Pro)
Fully custom system allowing painting meshes on terrain
Supports any shader, not just the ones included in package
Automatically batches foliage instances for draw-call reduction
Supports fully-static and runtime batching
Can be used to paint ANY prefab on terrain - lights, particle effects, etc.
Fully supported by advanced painting tools in the package.
All assets you see on screnshots and video are included in the package.